Military Service
I come from a proud military family, with my grandfather having served in the Korean War and both of my adoptive parents being career officers in the Air Force. Although my medical history prevented me from ever being able to serve active duty, I have remained deeply involved in various military programs throughout my life and have continuously supported veterans and military service members.
My Experience
U.S. Navy Seabee Museum - 75th Anniversary Project | Aug 2016 - Jan 2017
In 2016, I worked with the U.S. Navy Seabee Museum to curate, catalog, and display 75 significant artifacts for the Seabees' 75th anniversary. These artifacts, selected from over 14,000 pieces, spanned the Seabees' history since their inception in 1942. Highlights included an Imperial Japanese flare gun from WWII, a Cold War-era supercomputer from a U.S. Naval base in Antarctica, and a gold-plated sniper rifle seized from Uday Hussein's palace in Baghdad. I led this project as my Eagle Scout Service Project, and became the first person in my council to receive the Eagle Scout Project of the Year Award.
Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) | Oct 2017 - Jun 2020
I joined my school's NJROTC program in 2017 and had the privilege of holding various leadership positions while actively participating in numerous programs. As Operations Officer, I was entrusted with the overall management of our unit, overseeing 160 cadets. I revived our school's orienteering team, leading them to a 3rd place finish at the Los Angeles Orienteering Competition. Additionally, I established our new CyberPatriot and SeaPerch programs, which focused on cyber defense and underwater robotics. The CyberPatriot team earned a gold medal at the state level during our first year of competition. I was also named a finalist in the FRA 126 National Academic Competition. In recognition of my dedication and contributions to the program, I received the NJROTC Meritorious Achievement Award in June 2020.
U.S. Naval Academy Summer Seminar (NASS) | June 2019
Attending the U.S. Naval Academy Summer Seminar was an intense and rewarding experience. I was pushed to my physical limit through rigorous training exercises throughout the week which culminated with a mock sea trials event. I also participated in fire fighter training and damage control exercises, seamanship and sailing, and introductory classes in nuclear engineering and nautical navigation. Overall, the seminar gave me a deeper appreciation for the demands and rewards of a Naval career.
American Legion - California Boys State Delegate | July 2019
Being selected by the American Legion to attend California Boys State was an incredible honor and experience. As the delegate from my high school, I had the opportunity to work as the Associate Editor for the Boys Stater Newspaper. I was also appointed Council Clerk for the Boys State Supreme Court, where I took part in mock trials held in the actual California State Supreme Court Room. This unique experience allowed me to gain insight into the legal process and the workings of state government, while developing a deeper understanding of civic responsibility and leadership.
Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) | Aug 2020 - Oct 2023
Academics Division Officer | Aug 2021 - May 2022
During the 2021-2022 academic year I served as the Academics Division Officer for my NROTC unit. In this role I ensured the academic success of the midshipmen, coordinating unit tutoring services, exam review sessions, and the creation of the academic performance counseling system. I received the Unit Commendation Award in March 2022 for managing the complete reorganization of the unit library and the establishment of a digital library management system.
Color Guard Commander | Aug 2022 - May 2023
I served as Color Guard Commander during the 2022-2023 school year, training a team of 15 midshipmen in drill and color guard for competitions and ceremonies. I led the team to earn first place against 11 other universities at the 2023 Villanova Military Excellence Competition. I also planned and executed the Presentation of the Colors for the pre-game ceremony at the Boston Red Sox opening weekend game of the 2023 season.
Joint-Service Color Guard Commander | Aug 2022 - May 2023
I was subsequently appointed to Joint-Service Color Guard Commander, leading the school’s all-service joint ROTC color guard for important campus and community events. Some of these included the inaugural ceremony for the university’s 19th president, the 9/11 Memorial Stair Run, and the Veterans Patriot Flight at Albany International Airport. For my many contributions to the program, I was awarded the Reserve Officer's Association Silver Medal, the Military Order of the World Wars Silver Medal, and the American Legion General Military Excellence Gold Medal.
Naval Reactors Program | Jan 2023 - Jun 2023
Given my passion and experience in STEM, I had hoped to work on nuclear reactors for the Navy upon commissioning and worked with my ROTC advisor for several months in preparation for my technical interviews. I passed both of my technical interviews at Naval Reactors in Washington D.C., and following my subsequent interview with Admiral Caldwell, I was service selected for the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program. Unfortunately, after a re-evaluation of my medical records, I was medically discharged from the program due to my history of mental illness. The experience I gained from my time in the program was still invaluable, and I have continued to work directly with my ROTC unit as a former midshipman.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) | Oct 2024 - Present
In October 2024 I worked with the Albany Stratton VA to coordinate an Operation S.A.V.E. training at my NROTC Unit. Given the success of this program, I have continued to partner with the VA in hosting various events and workshops centered around suicide prevention training and awareness for veterans and military personnel populations.